Microbiome Nutrition Program
Microbiomes are throughout your body: Gut, skin, eyes, nose, brain, mouth, reproductive organs.
Balanced microbiomes keep your cellular structure functional. The body has an estimated 1 trillion bacteria cells. Microbes play a vital role in the body’s digestion, nutrient absorption, immune system development, reproductive health and influence our metabolism by producing compounds and essential vitamins that the body cannot synthesize on its own. |
The medical community focuses on destroying bad microbes “i.e. antibiotics” but taking care of the good ones is more important. An imbalance of microbiomes will cause bad genes to “turn on” or an inflammatory response to occur in the cells.
Histamine responses also cause an inflammatory response causing many malabsorption of nutrients to be metabolized properly. It will also imbalance your microbiomes throughout your body. So, we really should pay attention to our food allergy/sensitivities and environmental allergies since this can cause many inflammatory responses. Research has increased since 2007 on studies by microbial communities and their genes. |
What can you do to help increase the good bacteria and decrease the bad bacteria?
Come see Mickey Mazurowski for a microbiome nutrition consultation!
Why? Great question! During the session the following will take place:
Come see Mickey Mazurowski for a microbiome nutrition consultation!
Why? Great question! During the session the following will take place:
1) Figuring out your food histamine responses.
(Mickey is not a fortune teller but the more information you can bring the better she can figure this out).
Bring in labs, food allergy and environmental allergy test results, stool tests and medication lists.
2) Prescribe a sample food menu plan which will include suggested foods to switch to or focus on (since whatever you are currently eating is not working).
3) Suggest an appropriate probiotic, prebiotic or combo strain or strains according to your current situation (This will change throughout the months).
4) Prescribe appropriate “exercise/stretches” to help increase good bacteria.
Who would benefit from a Microbiome Nutrition Package?
Do you have any of the following?
SIBO, IBS, IBD, Gastroparesis,
Chronic Constipation/Diarrhea, Pre-Diabetes,
Diabetes, GERD, Depression,
Anxiety, Weight Loss, Stomach Pain,
Chronic Rashes, Chronic Itchy Skin/Scalp,
Food Cravings, Chronic Inflammation, Malnutrition,
Obesity, Bloating/Gas, Fatique, Poor Sleep

Does Mickey Utilize a Microbiome Test?
Yes...We are exited to partner with INJOY to provide comprehensive microbiome testing. A discount code is provided to patients of the microbiome program, which is given at the first appointment.
January Special includes 25% off INJOY testing.
90 minutes = $250.00 60 minutes = $165.00 30 minutes = $85.00 |
Buy a Package:
1 - 90 minutes 1 - 60 minutes 3 - 30 minutes Normal Price Total = $670.00 Discounted Price Total (10% off) = $600.00 |
Can I use my insurance? Answer = "No" This is a specialized nutrition program that is not covered by insurance. |
Note: $25.00 non-refundable fee to reserve an appointment.
The reservation fee will be apppied to the cost of the service.
The reservation fee will be apppied to the cost of the service.